commit bbfc4230efe3299fa51f9451f54062f32590ed3d
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 17 12:27:34 2017 -0800
Refined fix for validating image on rebuild
This aims to fix the issue described in bug 1664931 where a rebuild
fails to validate the existing host with the scheduler when a new
image is provided. The previous attempt to do this could cause rebuilds
to fail unnecessarily because we ran _all_ of the filters during a
rebuild, which could cause usage/resource filters to prevent an otherwise
valid rebuild from succeeding.
This aims to classify filters as useful for rebuild or not, and only apply
the former during a rebuild scheduler check. We do this by using an internal
scheduler hint, indicating our intent. This should (a) filter out
all hosts other than the one we're running on and (b) be detectable by
the filtering infrastructure as an internally-generated scheduling request
in order to trigger the correct filtering behavior.
NOTE(mriedem): The conflicts were due to deprecation warnings
which don't exist in Ocata. The functional test also needed a missing
import and to use api_put() instead of put_service().
Closes-Bug: #1664931
Change-Id: I1a46ef1503be2febcd20f4594f44344d05525446
(cherry picked from commit f7c688b8ef88a7390f5b09719a2b3e80368438c0)
(cherry picked from commit b29a461a8bc05c9b171c0574abb2e7e5b62a2ed7)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/523427 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=bbfc4230efe 3299fa51f9451f5 4062f32590ed3d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/ocata
commit bbfc4230efe3299 fa51f9451f54062 f32590ed3d
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 17 12:27:34 2017 -0800
Refined fix for validating image on rebuild
This aims to fix the issue described in bug 1664931 where a rebuild
fails to validate the existing host with the scheduler when a new
image is provided. The previous attempt to do this could cause rebuilds
to fail unnecessarily because we ran _all_ of the filters during a
rebuild, which could cause usage/resource filters to prevent an otherwise
valid rebuild from succeeding.
This aims to classify filters as useful for rebuild or not, and only apply generated scheduling request
the former during a rebuild scheduler check. We do this by using an internal
scheduler hint, indicating our intent. This should (a) filter out
all hosts other than the one we're running on and (b) be detectable by
the filtering infrastructure as an internally-
in order to trigger the correct filtering behavior.
nova/ scheduler/ filters/ exact_core_ filter. py
nova/ scheduler/ filters/ exact_disk_ filter. py
nova/ scheduler/ filters/ exact_ram_ filter. py
nova/ scheduler/ filters/ type_filter. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflicts were due to deprecation warnings
which don't exist in Ocata. The functional test also needed a missing
import and to use api_put() instead of put_service().
Closes-Bug: #1664931 ebcd20f4594f443 44d05525446 90f5b09719a2b3e 80368438c0) b171c0574abb2e7 e5b62a2ed7)
Change-Id: I1a46ef1503be2f
(cherry picked from commit f7c688b8ef88a73
(cherry picked from commit b29a461a8bc05c9