Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 8b199c6dff4c61169a9eb916511b716d8f20c015 Author: Davanum Srinivas <email address hidden> Date: Mon May 9 08:23:25 2016 -0400
Fix exception when vcpu_pin_set is set to ""
We should treat vcpu_pin_set="", same as vcpu_pin_set=None and avoid the problem mentioned in the bug report.
Closes-Bug: #1579664 Change-Id: Ifa2b960aa74072ba668c9d028df108af6156fe40
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/314076 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=8b199c6dff4 c61169a9eb91651 1b716d8f20c015
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 8b199c6dff4c611 69a9eb916511b71 6d8f20c015
Author: Davanum Srinivas <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 9 08:23:25 2016 -0400
Fix exception when vcpu_pin_set is set to ""
We should treat vcpu_pin_set="", same as vcpu_pin_set=None and
avoid the problem mentioned in the bug report.
Closes-Bug: #1579664 ba668c9d028df10 8af6156fe40
Change-Id: Ifa2b960aa74072