Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/essex
commit 3426030d3524e4e38c5843be0b9515805b67b04f Author: Somik Behera <email address hidden> Date: Mon Apr 30 17:43:14 2012 -0700
Fix bug 988034 - Quantum Network Manager - not clearing ips
Added a line in nova_ipam_lib.QuantumNovaIPAMLib init method to ensure we clean up IPs and explanation of whats going on.
Also, nuked release_fixed_ip as that is not needed in QuantumManager anymore.
Change-Id: I3971b4d4c464ce68ba9370c9f5d8ca7840e0a72a
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/7970 github. com/openstack/ nova/commit/ 3426030d3524e4e 38c5843be0b9515 805b67b04f
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/essex
commit 3426030d3524e4e 38c5843be0b9515 805b67b04f
Author: Somik Behera <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Apr 30 17:43:14 2012 -0700
Fix bug 988034 - Quantum Network Manager - not clearing ips
Added a line in nova_ipam_ lib.QuantumNova IPAMLib init
method to ensure we clean up IPs and explanation of whats
going on.
Also, nuked release_fixed_ip as that is not
needed in QuantumManager anymore.
Change-Id: I3971b4d4c464ce 68ba9370c9f5d8c a7840e0a72a