My feedback (with a better understanding of greenthread/coroutines (like eventlet)) :
- utils.synchronized is working well if we only use it with coroutines (greenthread) because eventlet implies constraints on where switch between greenthreads append
- utils.synchronized is not working for real Threads ...
==> so impose to never use Threads or change utils.synchronized
I got trouble with the condition in my proposal (coroutine liveness trouble) so i use weak references instead in LockByKey ( ... cleaning embedded :)). The code is more simple
class LockByKey(object):
locks = LockByKey()
with locks('using __call__ + with'):
with locks['using __getitem__ + with']:
def __init__(self, lock_factory=None): self._lock_factory = lock_factory or threading.Lock
self._lock = self._lock_factory() self._weaklocks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def _get_lock(self, lock_key):
with self._lock:
lock = self._weaklocks.get(lock_key)
if lock is None: self._weaklocks[lock_key] = lock = self._lock_factory()
return lock
def __call__(self, lock_key):
with self._get_lock(lock_key):
__getitem__ = __call__
My feedback (with a better understanding of greenthread/ coroutines (like eventlet)) :
- utils.synchronized is working well if we only use it with coroutines (greenthread) because eventlet implies constraints on where switch between greenthreads append
- utils.synchronized is not working for real Threads ...
==> so impose to never use Threads or change utils.synchronized
I got trouble with the condition in my proposal (coroutine liveness trouble) so i use weak references instead in LockByKey ( ... cleaning embedded :)). The code is more simple
class LockByKey(object):
self._ lock_factory = lock_factory or threading.Lock factory( )
self._ weaklocks = weakref. WeakValueDictio nary()
locks = LockByKey()
with locks('using __call__ + with'):
with locks['using __getitem__ + with']:
def __init__(self, lock_factory=None):
self._lock = self._lock_
def _get_lock(self, lock_key): .get(lock_ key)
self. _weaklocks[ lock_key] = lock = self._lock_ factory( )
with self._lock:
lock = self._weaklocks
if lock is None:
return lock
@contextlib .contextmanager lock(lock_ key):
def __call__(self, lock_key):
with self._get_
__getitem__ = __call__