I'm moving this to "Fix Released" as the bug was fixed in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/871000. I checked the test_attach_scsi_disk_with_config_drive test and in the last 7 days, the test failed 8 times. None failure out of these 8 failures was relevant to this bug [1].
I'm moving this to "Fix Released" as the bug was fixed in https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tempest/ +/871000. I checked the test_attach_ scsi_disk_ with_config_ drive test and in the last 7 days, the test failed 8 times. None failure out of these 8 failures was relevant to this bug [1].
[1] https:/ /opensearch. logs.openstack. org/_dashboards /app/dashboards ?security_ tenant= global/ view/a2282980- 4327-11ed- 8b28-cdde0c7cf0 2f?_g=( filters: !(),refreshInte rval:(pause: !t,value: 0),time: (from:now- 7d,to:now) )&_a=(descripti on:'',filters: !(),fullScreenM ode:!f, options: (hidePanelTitle s:!f,useMargins :!t),query: (language: kuery,query: 'test_name. keyword: %22tempest. api.compute. admin.test_ volume. AttachSCSIVolum eTestJSON. test_attach_ scsi_disk_ with_config_ drive%22% 20and%20test_ status. keyword: %22fail% 22'),timeRestor e:!f,title: 'Subunit% 20-%20Test% 20Results' ,viewMode: view)