Comment 6 for bug 1949991

Revision history for this message
Moises Emilio Benzan Mora (moisesbenzan) wrote :

Hello, SQA team found this bug during our testing.

From running the tempest suite, we get the following error:
fail 110.351

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/api/compute/servers/", line 337, in test_reassign_port_between_servers
    iface = self.interfaces_client.create_interface(
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/lib/services/compute/", line 47, in create_interface
    resp, body ='servers/%s/os-interface' % server_id,
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/lib/common/", line 300, in post
    return self.request('POST', url, extra_headers, headers, body, chunked)
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/lib/services/compute/", line 47, in request
    resp, resp_body = super(BaseComputeClient, self).request(
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/lib/common/", line 742, in request
    self._error_checker(resp, resp_body)
  File "/home/ubuntu/snap/fcbtest/50/.rally/verification/verifier-69ebebc9-78df-4ad7-9740-23b4f54ebb96/repo/tempest/lib/common/", line 922, in _error_checker
    raise exceptions.ServerFault(resp_body, resp=resp,
tempest.lib.exceptions.ServerFault: Got server fault
Details: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible.
<class 'nova.exception_Remote.PortBindingFailed_Remote'>


Looking into the Nova API logs, we then get:
2023-05-30 22:27:37.882 395255 ERROR nova
2023-05-30 22:27:49.883 404005 INFO os_vif [-] Loaded VIF plugins: linux_bridge, noop, ovs
2023-05-30 22:28:00.147 404005 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-01768358-b6bc-4503-82e6-2b74b5a8e7be - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor. Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-
conductor? Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: oslo_messaging.exceptions.MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 4f27a62457e74f2783f79b86415da0f7

And taking a look at the nova-conductor logs, it shows that around that same time it was failing to initialize the placement client:
2023-05-30 22:28:32.618 237056 ERROR [-] Failed to initialize placement client (is keystone available?): openstack.exceptions.NotSupported: The placement service for keystone
-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:RegionOne exists but does not have any supported versions.
2023-05-30 22:28:32.618 237056 ERROR nova.conductor.manager [-] Fatal error initializing placement client: The placement service for keystone-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:RegionOne exists but does not
 have any supported versions.: openstack.exceptions.NotSupported: The placement service for keystone-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:RegionOne exists but does not have any supported versions.
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 CRITICAL nova [-] Unhandled error: openstack.exceptions.NotSupported: The placement service for keystone-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:RegionOne exists but does not have any supported versions.
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/bin/nova-conductor", line 10, in <module>
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova sys.exit(main())
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/cmd/", line 45, in main
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova server = service.Service.create(binary='nova-conductor',
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/", line 252, in create
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova service_obj = cls(host, binary, topic, manager,
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/", line 116, in __init__
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova self.manager = manager_class(, *args, **kwargs)
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/conductor/", line 122, in __init__
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova self.compute_task_mgr = ComputeTaskManager()
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/conductor/", line 253, in __init__
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova self.report_client
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/conductor/", line 281, in report_client
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova return report.report_client_singleton()
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/scheduler/client/", line 91, in report_client_singleton
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova PLACEMENTCLIENT = SchedulerReportClient()
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/scheduler/client/", line 234, in __init__
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova self._client = self._create_client()
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/scheduler/client/", line 277, in _create_client
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova client = self._adapter or utils.get_sdk_adapter('placement')
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/", line 985, in get_sdk_adapter
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova return getattr(conn, service_type)
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack/", line 87, in __get__
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova proxy = self._make_proxy(instance)
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack/", line 266, in _make_proxy
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova raise exceptions.NotSupported(
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova openstack.exceptions.NotSupported: The placement service for keystone-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:RegionOne exists but does not have any supported versions.
2023-05-30 22:28:32.620 237056 ERROR nova
2023-05-30 22:28:36.286 237411 WARNING [-] Failed to contact the endpoint at http://placement-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:8778 for discovery. Fallback to using that endpoint as
the base url.
2023-05-30 22:28:36.304 237411 WARNING [-] Failed to contact the endpoint at http://placement-internal.silo5.lab1.solutionsqa:8778 for discovery. Fallback to using that endpoint as
the base url.

Test Run can be found here:
Artifacts for the test run:
Further occurrences of that bug in SQA labs: