Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/ussuri
commit 1e81440b63dcafee9ad693dc0198c1598631086d Author: Corey Bryant <email address hidden> Date: Thu Apr 30 15:44:10 2020 -0400
Monkey patch original current_thread _active
Monkey patch the original current_thread to use the up-to-date _active global variable. This solution is based on that documented at:
Change-Id: I49bfd9673abc7602b27dc48b8b490daaded2882c Closes-Bug: #1863021 (cherry picked from commit ec7a5aa5161f438736c5a1dcf10f5d0e48f329cd)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/725639 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=1e81440b63d cafee9ad693dc01 98c1598631086d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/ussuri
commit 1e81440b63dcafe e9ad693dc0198c1 598631086d
Author: Corey Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 30 15:44:10 2020 -0400
Monkey patch original current_thread _active
Monkey patch the original current_thread to use the up-to-date _active /github. com/eventlet/ eventlet/ issues/ 592
global variable. This solution is based on that documented at:
Change-Id: I49bfd9673abc76 02b27dc48b8b490 daaded2882c 736c5a1dcf10f5d 0e48f329cd)
Closes-Bug: #1863021
(cherry picked from commit ec7a5aa5161f438