Change I1aa3ca6cc70cef65d24dec1e7db9491c9b73f7ab in Queens,
which was backported through to Newton, introduced a regression
when listing deleted servers with a marker because it assumes
that if BuildRequestList.get_by_filters does not raise
MarkerNotFound that the marker was found among the build requests
and does not account for that get_by_filters method short-circuiting
if filtering servers with deleted/cleaned/limit=0. The API code
then nulls out the marker which means you'll continue to get the
marker instance back in the results even though you shouldn't,
and that can cause an infinite loop in some client-side tooling like
nova's CLI:
nova list --deleted --limit -1
This adds a functional recreate test for the regression which will
be updated when the bug is fixed.
NOTE(mriedem): In this backport the test is modified to create the
server without networking to avoid a NetworkAmbiguous error
which is probably due to some missing NeutronFixture sugar added
in Rocky.
Change-Id: I324193129acb6ac739133c7e76920762a8987a84
Related-Bug: #1849409
(cherry picked from commit 45c2752f2ce08b314012eff044b01aa7d626b43d)
(cherry picked from commit 727d942b2830fb6970d99507f2b5eb1a28df01b2)
(cherry picked from commit 47caaccd4a03660d7df144f2eadd821d36baeaa8)
(cherry picked from commit 08337cccb060d0b3cad388004c1f802d5d053813)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/690724 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=f03f5075e37 51ccd03a60999ea b1d7f4bf7c4f02
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit f03f5075e3751cc d03a60999eab1d7 f4bf7c4f02
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 22 17:53:20 2019 -0400
Add functional regression test for bug 1849409
Change I1aa3ca6cc70cef 65d24dec1e7db94 91c9b73f7ab in Queens, t.get_by_ filters does not raise cleaned/ limit=0. The API code
which was backported through to Newton, introduced a regression
when listing deleted servers with a marker because it assumes
that if BuildRequestLis
MarkerNotFound that the marker was found among the build requests
and does not account for that get_by_filters method short-circuiting
if filtering servers with deleted/
then nulls out the marker which means you'll continue to get the
marker instance back in the results even though you shouldn't,
and that can cause an infinite loop in some client-side tooling like
nova's CLI:
nova list --deleted --limit -1
This adds a functional recreate test for the regression which will
be updated when the bug is fixed.
NOTE(mriedem): In this backport the test is modified to create the
server without networking to avoid a NetworkAmbiguous error
which is probably due to some missing NeutronFixture sugar added
in Rocky.
Change-Id: I324193129acb6a c739133c7e76920 762a8987a84 14012eff044b01a a7d626b43d) 970d99507f2b5eb 1a28df01b2) d7df144f2eadd82 1d36baeaa8) 3cad388004c1f80 2d5d053813)
Related-Bug: #1849409
(cherry picked from commit 45c2752f2ce08b3
(cherry picked from commit 727d942b2830fb6
(cherry picked from commit 47caaccd4a03660
(cherry picked from commit 08337cccb060d0b