It's clear that we could have a RequestSpec.instance_group
without a uuid field if the InstanceGroup is set from the
_populate_group_info method which should only be used for
legacy translation of request specs using legacy filter
properties dicts.
To workaround the issue, we look for the group scheduler hint
to get the group uuid before loading it from the DB.
The related functional regression recreate test is updated
to show this solves the issue.
Conflicts: nova/objects/
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change
Ib33719a4b9599d86848c618a6e142c71ece79ca5 in Queens.
Change-Id: I20981c987549eec40ad9762e74b0db16e54f4e63
Closes-Bug: #1830747
(cherry picked from commit da453c2bfe86ab7a825f0aa7ebced15886f7a5fd)
(cherry picked from commit 8569eb9b4fb905cb92041b84c293dc4e7af27fa8)
(cherry picked from commit 9fed1803b4d6b2778c47add9c327f0610edc5952)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/663110 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=20b90f2e26e 6a46a12c2fd943b 4472c3147528fa
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 20b90f2e26e6a46 a12c2fd943b4472 c3147528fa
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Tue May 28 11:24:11 2019 -0400
Workaround missing RequestSpec. instance_ group.uuid
It's clear that we could have a RequestSpec. instance_ group group_info method which should only be used for
without a uuid field if the InstanceGroup is set from the
legacy translation of request specs using legacy filter
properties dicts.
To workaround the issue, we look for the group scheduler hint
to get the group uuid before loading it from the DB.
The related functional regression recreate test is updated
to show this solves the issue.
nova/ objects/ request_
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change 599d86848c618a6 e142c71ece79ca5 in Queens.
Change-Id: I20981c987549ee c40ad9762e74b0d b16e54f4e63 a825f0aa7ebced1 5886f7a5fd) b92041b84c293dc 4e7af27fa8) 78c47add9c327f0 610edc5952)
Closes-Bug: #1830747
(cherry picked from commit da453c2bfe86ab7
(cherry picked from commit 8569eb9b4fb905c
(cherry picked from commit 9fed1803b4d6b27