Comment 18 for bug 1811235

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Also note that setting the instance to ERROR just to see the fault means that to reset the status on the instance, if you use the resetState API your only options are ACTIVE or ERROR. But if I'm resizing from a STOPPED server and we go to ERROR state just to see a fault, then resetting the instance to ACTIVE is a lie since the guest is really stopped - the power state sync task in the compute should eventually correct that, but it's still annoyingly wrong.

I think in general we should avoid setting instances to ERROR status if we can help it, i.e. nothing really changed about the power state of the instance, it's data, or related resources (volumes, ports, etc).

The instance actions API is the way to track the details of an operation performed on a server and it's not admin-only.