knowledge of the status of openstack service is currently not within the scope of placement to track.
it is undesirable however to get a No Valid host from the nova api due to the presence of downed compute nodes in the placement response.
i have triage this as whishlist as i think this is functioning as desinged but this is an unfortunate edgecase taht would
be better addressed by a spec or a specless blueprint.
i think its unlikely that you would have enough hosts marked as down for this to typically be an issue but in large deployments
this becomes more likely.
knowledge of the status of openstack service is currently not within the scope of placement to track.
it is undesirable however to get a No Valid host from the nova api due to the presence of downed compute nodes in the placement response.
i have triage this as whishlist as i think this is functioning as desinged but this is an unfortunate edgecase taht would
be better addressed by a spec or a specless blueprint.
i think its unlikely that you would have enough hosts marked as down for this to typically be an issue but in large deployments
this becomes more likely.