Add functional test for deleting a compute service
This adds a functional test which asserts the things
related to bug 1756179 where deleting a compute service
does not also delete the related host mapping or resource
provider resources.
Also related to bug 1763183 in that it should not be
possible to delete a compute service that has instances
running on it since that will mess up resource tracking
in Placement.
Conflicts: nova/tests/functional/
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having changes
Ica5453b3c5418df75cad8505efc37686b57bc6ff or
Iacb9808ef7188e3419abfac9e8c5fb5a46c71c05 in Pike.
Change-Id: I519c5abfe24b154998f481c8a86db239a75d4729
Related-Bug: #1756179
Related-Bug: #1763183
(cherry picked from commit a80ac96362c8fafba1bfe71244b52ba2f082c86e)
(cherry picked from commit bcd462e49b4d51e78e9f31c60cd9e4d9fd8f99f9)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/580491 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=c8dd4c61954 34a1e271ad8cd7f bd66d4801a4cba
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit c8dd4c6195434a1 e271ad8cd7fbd66 d4801a4cba
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 11 16:00:59 2018 -0400
Add functional test for deleting a compute service
This adds a functional test which asserts the things
related to bug 1756179 where deleting a compute service
does not also delete the related host mapping or resource
provider resources.
Also related to bug 1763183 in that it should not be
possible to delete a compute service that has instances
running on it since that will mess up resource tracking
in Placement.
nova/ tests/functiona l/test_ servers. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having changes 418df75cad8505e fc37686b57bc6ff or 188e3419abfac9e 8c5fb5a46c71c05 in Pike.
Change-Id: I519c5abfe24b15 4998f481c8a86db 239a75d4729 ba1bfe71244b52b a2f082c86e) 78e9f31c60cd9e4 d9fd8f99f9)
Related-Bug: #1756179
Related-Bug: #1763183
(cherry picked from commit a80ac96362c8faf
(cherry picked from commit bcd462e49b4d51e