Comment 0 for bug 1538011

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hgangwx (hgangwx) wrote : Unexpected API Error returned when set metadata for aggregate

Unexpected API Error returned when set metadata for aggregate

devstack all-in-one node

[Description and expect result]
no Unexpected API Error returned when set metadata for aggregate

[Reproduceable or not]

[Recreate Steps]
1) create an aggregate, with metadata "abc":
root@45-59:~# nova aggregate-details agg1
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata |
| 4 | agg1 | - | | 'abc=1' |

2)set metadata of the aggregate as "ABC", upper case of the
existing metadata "abc", an Unexpected API Error returned:
root@45-59:~# nova aggregate-set-metadata agg1 ABC=2
ERROR (ClientException): Unexpected API Error. Please report
 this at and attach the Nova API
log if possible.<type 'exceptions.KeyError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID:

reproduceable bug, no need

reproduceable bug, no need

[Root cause anlyze or debug inf]
reproduceable bug
