Comment 0 for bug 1387543

Revision history for this message
George Shuklin (george-shuklin) wrote : Resize/delete combo allows to overload nova-compute

If user create instance, resize it to larger flavor and than remove it, migration process does not stop, allowing user to repeat operation many times, causing overload to affected compute nodes over user quota.

Affected installation: most drastic effect happens on 'raw-disk' instances without live migration. Whole raw disk (full size of the flavor) is copied during migration.

If user delete instance it does not terminate rsync/scp keeping disk backing file opened regardless of removal by nova compute.

Because rsync/scp of large disks is rather slow, it gives malicious user enough time to repeat that operation few hundred times, causing disk space depletion on compute nodes, huge impact on management network and so on.

Proposed solution: abort migration (kill rsync/scp) as soon, as instance is deleted.

Affected installation: Havana, Icehouse, probably Juno (not tested).