commit fe289fb9fd19001eae1f3c2636301b055c0c8b8d
Author: Fei Long Wang <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 25 10:05:57 2014 +1300
Fix nova-compute start issue after evacuate
After evacuated successfully, and restarting the failed
host to get it back, Nova will call init_host() and then
call method _destroy_evacuated_instances(). In method
_destroy_evacuated_instances(), nova will check again if
the storage is shared or not to decide if the storage
should be destroyed. Now nova is using temp file to check
if it's shared file system, but it's wrong for RBD case.
So Nova will attempt to delete the shared block storage,
which will fail since it's used by the new instance. This
patch fixes this issue and adds test cases for that.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/131631 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=fe289fb9fd1 9001eae1f3c2636 301b055c0c8b8d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit fe289fb9fd19001 eae1f3c2636301b 055c0c8b8d
Author: Fei Long Wang <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 25 10:05:57 2014 +1300
Fix nova-compute start issue after evacuate
After evacuated successfully, and restarting the failed evacuated_ instances( ). In method evacuated_ instances( ), nova will check again if
host to get it back, Nova will call init_host() and then
call method _destroy_
the storage is shared or not to decide if the storage
should be destroyed. Now nova is using temp file to check
if it's shared file system, but it's wrong for RBD case.
So Nova will attempt to delete the shared block storage,
which will fail since it's used by the new instance. This
patch fixes this issue and adds test cases for that.
Closes-Bug: 1385484
nova/ tests/virt/ libvirt/ test_libvirt. py
Change-Id: I71bb818f3c2930 b3a2ddf1817dfd4 bb61fae7e98 b161f94f70cba5d b4d17f8f65) d97f0b23b01d18d c1e3a9569a)
(cherry picked from commit 296d92bd44d1b8e
(cherry picked from commit ce1d1dd3dda0097