When a ProcessExecutionError is thrown by processutils.ssh_execute(),
the exception may contain information such as password. Upstream
applications that just log the message (as several appear to do)
could inadvertently expose these passwords to a user with read access to
the log files. It is therefore considered prudent to invoke
strutils.mask_password() on the command, stdout and stderr in the
exception. A test case has been added (to oslo-incubator) in order to
ensure that all three are properly masked.
An earlier commit (853d8f9897f8563851441108a9be26b10908c076) failed
to address ssh_execute(). This change set addresses ssh_execute.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/126594 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=ee3594072a7 ef1c3f5661021fb 31118069cbd646
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: proposed/juno
commit ee3594072a7ef1c 3f5661021fb3111 8069cbd646
Author: Tristan Cacqueray <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 3 19:53:42 2014 +0000
Mask passwords in exceptions and error messages
When a ProcessExecutio nError is thrown by processutils. ssh_execute( ), mask_password( ) on the command, stdout and stderr in the
the exception may contain information such as password. Upstream
applications that just log the message (as several appear to do)
could inadvertently expose these passwords to a user with read access to
the log files. It is therefore considered prudent to invoke
exception. A test case has been added (to oslo-incubator) in order to
ensure that all three are properly masked.
An earlier commit (853d8f9897f856 3851441108a9be2 6b10908c076) failed
to address ssh_execute(). This change set addresses ssh_execute.
OSSA is aware of this change request.
Change-Id: Ie0caf32469126d d9feb44867adf27 acb6e383958
Closes-Bug: #1377981