commit 7fc0cee599fbb59dc36adc80b4a2623719099d67
Author: Haomeng, Wang <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 25 10:37:30 2013 +0800
Remove oslo uuidutils.generate_uuid() call
uuidutils.generate_uuid() is going to be removed from oslo, so we
need to remove the call from our Ironic code.
We create new method in our Ironic common utils to wrap the
generate_uuid methods.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/57854 github. com/openstack/ ironic/ commit/ 7fc0cee599fbb59 dc36adc80b4a262 3719099d67
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 7fc0cee599fbb59 dc36adc80b4a262 3719099d67
Author: Haomeng, Wang <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 25 10:37:30 2013 +0800
Remove oslo uuidutils. generate_ uuid() call
uuidutils. generate_ uuid() is going to be removed from oslo, so we lists.openstack .org/pipermail/ openstack- dev/2013- November/
need to remove the call from our Ironic code.
We create new method in our Ironic common utils to wrap the
generate_uuid methods.
Change-Id: I7bc4ca8fcdb29c 4ee5b3e7fc7afb0 235812a1c0d
Partial-Bug: #1253497