It doesn't seem that Xen will set the 'root_device_name' property on
instances. This is causing instance_block_mapping to return early
without evaluating the bdm before returning the list of device_names
in use. I'm not sure why instance_block_mapping does this
(optimization?) but on Xen at least it seems that it should not.
Added a check for Xen compute_driver flag in instance_block_mapping to
"guess" the root_device_name (similarlly to what is done in
compute.utils for swap and ephemeral).
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/14068 github. com/openstack/ nova/commit/ 07845ad68f83952 bbae36b4b115ff6 c433e81fa3
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 07845ad68f83952 bbae36b4b115ff6 c433e81fa3
Author: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 4 18:50:39 2012 -0500
Always use bdm in instance_ block_mapping on Xen
It doesn't seem that Xen will set the 'root_device_name' property on block_mapping to return early block_mapping does this
instances. This is causing instance_
without evaluating the bdm before returning the list of device_names
in use. I'm not sure why instance_
(optimization?) but on Xen at least it seems that it should not.
Added a check for Xen compute_driver flag in instance_ block_mapping to
"guess" the root_device_name (similarlly to what is done in
compute.utils for swap and ephemeral).
fixes bug #1061944
Change-Id: If5b1a2b7377232 c78f0629a362455 2ecf6ceb0ee