Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit b107450cf9e89c5d93b989371b3a5f66810dbf9f Author: Joshua Harlow <email address hidden> Date: Thu Sep 13 16:41:53 2012 -0700
Add more useful logging around the unmount fail case.
Raise a better message with a more useful message rather than raising a process execution error, which although useful is not especially meaningful.
Bug 1050645
Change-Id: Id9817de26fdb16f8fce17ebd093a9550e63be19c
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/12998 github. com/openstack/ nova/commit/ b107450cf9e89c5 d93b989371b3a5f 66810dbf9f
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b107450cf9e89c5 d93b989371b3a5f 66810dbf9f
Author: Joshua Harlow <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 13 16:41:53 2012 -0700
Add more useful logging around the unmount fail case.
Raise a better message with a more useful message
rather than raising a process execution error, which
although useful is not especially meaningful.
Bug 1050645
Change-Id: Id9817de26fdb16 f8fce17ebd093a9 550e63be19c