After setting up Geary with a few of my email accounts, I experienced the very same problem with the client's message list and main content window, though it seems to happen entirely at random with absolutely no rhyme or reason. Whatever component is causing this must be shared between the two programs.
After setting up Geary with a few of my email accounts, I experienced the very same problem with the client's message list and main content window, though it seems to happen entirely at random with absolutely no rhyme or reason. Whatever component is causing this must be shared between the two programs.
Interestingly, after updating Geary to 0.4.2 via Tom Beckmann's backport PPA (http:// blog.yorba. org/jim/ 2013/12/ geary-0- 4-2-backport- for-precise- 12-04-luna- now-available. html), the problem has vanished entirely in Geary.