Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/kilo
commit 5d920b8ad5bdadc3355da645a77377f993ae2c80 Author: Terry Wilson <email address hidden> Date: Tue Feb 23 06:16:13 2016 -0600
Fix sanity check --no* BoolOpts
If --config-{file,dir} are used to genearate a list of tests to run, using set_override() will also override any options passed via the CLI.
For example, on Centos 7 which uses dnsmasq 2.66, running:
neutron-sanity-check --nodnsmasq_version --config-file \ /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
will still run and fail the dnsmasq version test. Using set_default() allows using --config-{file,dir} and --no* in conjunction.
Closes-Bug: #1549394 Change-Id: I5b9e520add7324660148c4451bbef54c0dfe428e (cherry picked from commit c28ad6b8e38884c6e1cc7504e478608349fc0376) (cherry picked from commit 03c0b797bb8a67de47f89249f91f0f250aea0227)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/284598 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=5d920b8ad5b dadc3355da645a7 7377f993ae2c80
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 5d920b8ad5bdadc 3355da645a77377 f993ae2c80
Author: Terry Wilson <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 23 06:16:13 2016 -0600
Fix sanity check --no* BoolOpts
If --config-{file,dir} are used to genearate a list of tests to
run, using set_override() will also override any options passed
via the CLI.
For example, on Centos 7 which uses dnsmasq 2.66, running:
neutron- sanity- check --nodnsmasq_version --config-file \
/etc/neutron/ l3_agent. ini
will still run and fail the dnsmasq version test. Using
set_default() allows using --config-{file,dir} and --no* in
Closes-Bug: #1549394 660148c4451bbef 54c0dfe428e 6e1cc7504e47860 8349fc0376) e47f89249f91f0f 250aea0227)
Change-Id: I5b9e520add7324
(cherry picked from commit c28ad6b8e38884c
(cherry picked from commit 03c0b797bb8a67d