commit fba8d9bfdafc2789b3a3503538e1f7834e9ffe15
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 27 17:38:32 2015 -0700
Process port IP requests before subnet requests
When a port requests multiple fixed IPs, process the requests
for specific IP addresses before the ones asking for a subnet.
This prevents an error where the IP that was requested happens
to be the next up for allocation so the subnet request takes it
and causes a DBDuplicateEntry.
Closes-Bug: #1459467
Change-Id: I645565c7fe0c47c58d686b25020bb49a0b9089f5
(cherry picked from commit 817b45b6406d9730859535ac54d73ec5c85451d0)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/186599 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=fba8d9bfdaf c2789b3a3503538 e1f7834e9ffe15
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit fba8d9bfdafc278 9b3a3503538e1f7 834e9ffe15
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 27 17:38:32 2015 -0700
Process port IP requests before subnet requests
When a port requests multiple fixed IPs, process the requests
for specific IP addresses before the ones asking for a subnet.
This prevents an error where the IP that was requested happens
to be the next up for allocation so the subnet request takes it
and causes a DBDuplicateEntry.
Closes-Bug: #1459467 c58d686b25020bb 49a0b9089f5 0859535ac54d73e c5c85451d0)
Change-Id: I645565c7fe0c47
(cherry picked from commit 817b45b6406d973