Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/kilo
commit a1a773ba64e189d1db04fc600bbe68b204b0a85b Author: Salvatore Orlando <email address hidden> Date: Tue Feb 10 05:10:25 2015 -0800
Add delay to sync thread startup
A 5 second initial delay is added to the looping call running the status synchronization thread. This will prevent API worker processes from hanging because of busy semaphore value deriving from the fork procedure.
Cherry-picked from: 72e02989707ce6b1e162e0f1c2b38ff9f1dcba3c Change-Id: Ieeeb2696f46ec9ee4047d6685988215f619134fd Closes-Bug: #1420278
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/180145 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ vmware- nsx/commit/ ?id=a1a773ba64e 189d1db04fc600b be68b204b0a85b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit a1a773ba64e189d 1db04fc600bbe68 b204b0a85b
Author: Salvatore Orlando <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 10 05:10:25 2015 -0800
Add delay to sync thread startup
A 5 second initial delay is added to the looping call running
the status synchronization thread.
This will prevent API worker processes from hanging because of
busy semaphore value deriving from the fork procedure.
Cherry-picked from: 72e02989707ce6b 1e162e0f1c2b38f f9f1dcba3c ee4047d66859882 15f619134fd
Change-Id: Ieeeb2696f46ec9
Closes-Bug: #1420278