Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/juno
commit 72ef7b352c161925ed8f87e0764794b596e44658 Author: Abhishek Raut <email address hidden> Date: Fri Sep 12 19:56:40 2014 -0700
Cisco N1kv: Remove vmnetwork delete REST call on last port delete
Remove the vm network delete call to the VSM on final port call and ensure that vm network is deleted from the database when the port count becomes 0.
Change-Id: I6c08a099adfce2fdba8eefec6aadeb68a780ac37 Closes-Bug: 1373547 (cherry picked from commit 4e1c4cbcd71833095534bea9ff7617c582c300d2)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/130617 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=72ef7b352c1 61925ed8f87e076 4794b596e44658
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit 72ef7b352c16192 5ed8f87e0764794 b596e44658
Author: Abhishek Raut <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 12 19:56:40 2014 -0700
Cisco N1kv: Remove vmnetwork delete REST call on last port delete
Remove the vm network delete call to the VSM on final port call and
ensure that vm network is deleted from the database when the port count
becomes 0.
Change-Id: I6c08a099adfce2 fdba8eefec6aade b68a780ac37 95534bea9ff7617 c582c300d2)
Closes-Bug: 1373547
(cherry picked from commit 4e1c4cbcd718330