commit 1386415271bd7e478a12e132f67a42aed2f41dae
Author: Ed Bak <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 7 17:16:15 2014 +0000
Provide way to reserve dhcp port during failovers
This change provides a way to save the dhcp port when failing
over a network from one dhcp agent to another. When a
dhcp-agent-network-remove is issued, the dhcp port device_id is
marked as reserved which causes it to not be deleted. When a
subsequent dhcp-agent-network-add is issued, the reserved port
is used and the device_id is corrected. This is desirable
in order to maintain the dhcp port ip address so that dns doesn't
get impacted. Unit test added.
Closes-Bug: #1288923
(cherry picked from d5c0a37999f9e3a611a322baacabebc06b13283b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/125919 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=1386415271b d7e478a12e132f6 7a42aed2f41dae
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit 1386415271bd7e4 78a12e132f67a42 aed2f41dae
Author: Ed Bak <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 7 17:16:15 2014 +0000
Provide way to reserve dhcp port during failovers
This change provides a way to save the dhcp port when failing agent-network- remove is issued, the dhcp port device_id is network- add is issued, the reserved port
over a network from one dhcp agent to another. When a
marked as reserved which causes it to not be deleted. When a
subsequent dhcp-agent-
is used and the device_id is corrected. This is desirable
in order to maintain the dhcp port ip address so that dns doesn't
get impacted. Unit test added.
Closes-Bug: #1288923 611a322baacabeb c06b13283b) common/ tests/unit/ test_db_ plugin. py
(cherry picked from d5c0a37999f9e3a
Change-Id: I531d7ffab074b0 1adfe186d2c3df4 3ca978359cd