After checking some examples (another filter in opensearch:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-30d,to:now))&_a=(columns:!(build_status,build_name),filters:!(),index:'94869730-aea8-11ec-9e6a-83741af3fdcd',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:'message:%22urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError:%20HTTPConnectionPool%22'),sort:!()) )
The issue with urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError does not appear for security-group API, but for other requests also (i.e.: test_add_remove_fixed_ip, )
or with server API:
but the problem appears mostly with create_security_group_rule
After checking some examples (another filter in opensearch:
https:/ /opensearch. logs.openstack. org/_dashboards /app/discover/ ?security_ tenant= global# /?_g=(filters: !(),refreshInte rval:(pause: !t,value: 0),time: (from:now- 30d,to: now))&_ a=(columns: !(build_ status, build_name) ,filters: !(),index: '94869730- aea8-11ec- 9e6a-83741af3fd cd',interval: auto,query: (language: kuery,query: 'message: %22urllib3. exceptions. ReadTimeoutErro r:%20HTTPConnec tionPool% 22'),sort: !()) )
The issue with urllib3. exceptions. ReadTimeoutErro r does not appear for security-group API, but for other requests also (i.e.: test_add_ remove_ fixed_ip, https:/ /10d0dca2ba7c7b 5d77eb- 05fbbc41f18c6e8 65b8d8381b314df b6.ssl. cf1.rackcdn. com/871113/ 9/check/ neutron- ovs-grenade- multinode/ 562bfa2/ controller/ logs/grenade. sh_log. txt )
or with server API: https:/ /storage. v1/AUTH_ dcaab5e32b234d5 6b626f72581e364 4c/zuul_ opendev_ logs_b2e/ 860288/ 11/check/ grenade- skip-level- always/ b2eeb2d/ job-output. txt
but the problem appears mostly with create_ security_ group_rule