Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/zed
commit a48f34022da49e34f1b5639271407840cd609788 Author: yatinkarel <email address hidden> Date: Wed May 25 13:18:44 2022 +0530
Switch fullstack/functional fips jobs to 9-stream
Master no longer support py3.6, so let's switch these jobs to CentOS 9-stream which includes py3.9.
Also dbcounter[1] is not installable on CentOS 8-stream and hence these jobs are currently broken.
Other fips jobs already switched with[2].
[1] [2]
[Stable Only] The switch is to match defined runtimes per release
Closes-Bug: #1976323 Change-Id: Ie4e807b1490d59390316ec20b499b7676acfe410 (cherry picked from commit 42ae9448701b7925b736f5706140d414b53d9012) (cherry picked from commit b7a59a51320ace612276d35c0358e7d5ee90de8e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/895023 /opendev. org/openstack/ neutron/ commit/ a48f34022da49e3 4f1b56392714078 40cd609788
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/zed
commit a48f34022da49e3 4f1b56392714078 40cd609788
Author: yatinkarel <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 25 13:18:44 2022 +0530
Switch fullstack/ functional fips jobs to 9-stream
Master no longer support py3.6, so let's switch
these jobs to CentOS 9-stream which includes py3.9.
Also dbcounter[1] is not installable on CentOS 8-stream
and hence these jobs are currently broken.
Other fips jobs already switched with[2].
[1] https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /devstack/ +/839820 /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/833173
[2] https:/
[Stable Only] The switch is to match defined runtimes per release /governance. openstack. org/tc/ reference/ runtimes/
Closes-Bug: #1976323 390316ec20b499b 7676acfe410 5b736f5706140d4 14b53d9012) 12276d35c0358e7 d5ee90de8e)
Change-Id: Ie4e807b1490d59
(cherry picked from commit 42ae9448701b792
(cherry picked from commit b7a59a51320ace6