Use common wait_until_ha_router_has_state method everywhere
In the L3 functional tests framework module there is already helper
method called wait_until_ha_router_has_state which should be used to
wait for desired HA router's state.
This method has proper debug logging added so debugging issues in CI is
easier when it's used.
It is also decorated with unstable_test decorator to skip tests when
router will fail to transition to desired state (see related bug for
In some tests this method wasn't used so we couldn't benefit from the
logging and unstable_test decorator there. Now it should be unifed and
used everywhere in the same way.
Related-Bug: #1956958
Change-Id: I9d79b123bb20ded327208d84a14d4f8d2e505087
(cherry picked from commit e39011c73396af68fe5002cdbe4c6b3fe8b7cf23)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/872008 /opendev. org/openstack/ neutron/ commit/ 6ef9d235d2f9ba7 64f96d32741fffc 28c80076f2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit 6ef9d235d2f9ba7 64f96d32741fffc 28c80076f2
Author: Slawek Kaplonski <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jul 4 11:09:23 2022 +0200
Use common wait_until_ ha_router_ has_state method everywhere
In the L3 functional tests framework module there is already helper ha_router_ has_state which should be used to
method called wait_until_
wait for desired HA router's state.
This method has proper debug logging added so debugging issues in CI is
easier when it's used.
It is also decorated with unstable_test decorator to skip tests when
router will fail to transition to desired state (see related bug for
In some tests this method wasn't used so we couldn't benefit from the
logging and unstable_test decorator there. Now it should be unifed and
used everywhere in the same way.
Related-Bug: #1956958 d327208d84a14d4 f8d2e505087 8fe5002cdbe4c6b 3fe8b7cf23)
Change-Id: I9d79b123bb20de
(cherry picked from commit e39011c73396af6