I attach (mem.txt) output of
watch -n 60 "ps -eo pid,rss,vsize,pmem,cmd"
from first controller, where can be exactly seen how the memory consumption grows over time. L3-agent and the first neutron-server process uses almost the same memory size all the time, but 5 additional neutron-server processes takes more and more. Looking at the PIDs it seems that these 5 processes are started at the same time.
I attach (mem.txt) output of vsize,pmem, cmd"
watch -n 60 "ps -eo pid,rss,
from first controller, where can be exactly seen how the memory consumption grows over time. L3-agent and the first neutron-server process uses almost the same memory size all the time, but 5 additional neutron-server processes takes more and more. Looking at the PIDs it seems that these 5 processes are started at the same time.