We discussed that RFE on the drivers meeting https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2021/neutron_drivers.2021-09-10-14.05.log.html#l-96
We all agreed there that we need new driver for some PD backend in Neutron so we approved that RFE. Now we need to choose wisely for what backend we want to write new driver. If You are interested in working on this thing, please propose some backends with pros and cons for them and we then can discuss which one to choose.
We discussed that RFE on the drivers meeting https:/ /meetings. opendev. org/meetings/ neutron_ drivers/ 2021/neutron_ drivers. 2021-09- 10-14.05. log.html# l-96
We all agreed there that we need new driver for some PD backend in Neutron so we approved that RFE. Now we need to choose wisely for what backend we want to write new driver. If You are interested in working on this thing, please propose some backends with pros and cons for them and we then can discuss which one to choose.