commit 1eb5b54776d2194319528712399439c54c5320d7
Author: Edward Hope-Morley <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 14 17:44:54 2020 +0100
Ensure fip ip rules deleted when fip removed
The information needed to delete ip rules associated
with fips is held in memory between add and remove so
a restart of the l3-agent results in any fips that
existed before the restart having their ip rules
persist after the fips are removed. This patch
enures that an agent restart reloads this information
so that ip rules associated with a fip are correctly
removed when the fip is removed.
Change-Id: If656a703c996ccc7719b1b09d793c5bbdfd6f3c1
Closes-Bug: #1891673
(cherry picked from commit 5eca44bfa850e6e75c9974ae7711b87764628253)
(cherry picked from commit 8ba796ea7ff28a815996ffeaf3c4dc39df1edcfb)
(cherry picked from commit 84d38f342bcad6537971d732a4961334a5890f3b)
(cherry picked from commit f28788f77798e6e1e64ac9f60a82b99b52546f8f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/750400 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=1eb5b54776d 219431952871239 9439c54c5320d7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 1eb5b54776d2194 319528712399439 c54c5320d7
Author: Edward Hope-Morley <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 14 17:44:54 2020 +0100
Ensure fip ip rules deleted when fip removed
The information needed to delete ip rules associated
with fips is held in memory between add and remove so
a restart of the l3-agent results in any fips that
existed before the restart having their ip rules
persist after the fips are removed. This patch
enures that an agent restart reloads this information
so that ip rules associated with a fip are correctly
removed when the fip is removed.
Change-Id: If656a703c996cc c7719b1b09d793c 5bbdfd6f3c1 75c9974ae7711b8 7764628253) 15996ffeaf3c4dc 39df1edcfb) 37971d732a49613 34a5890f3b) 1e64ac9f60a82b9 9b52546f8f)
Closes-Bug: #1891673
(cherry picked from commit 5eca44bfa850e6e
(cherry picked from commit 8ba796ea7ff28a8
(cherry picked from commit 84d38f342bcad65
(cherry picked from commit f28788f77798e6e