I applied the patch but it did not seem to have any impact. Just FYI: The bulk (99-100%) of security groups in these test environments are all owned by the same project, and consist of the default egress rules only.
Command: openstack security group rule list
Before Patch: ~23 seconds
After Patch: ~23 seconds
Total Rules: ~12,000
In that regard, the patch did not have any affect. It also did not help with the 'openstack security group list' command, either.
In these test environments, we can simulate the slowdown with a large number of security groups in at least Queens, Rocky, Stein, and Train. Each of the security groups would have the default egress rules only.
# for i in {1..5000}; do openstack security group create test-$i; done
Hi Slawek,
I applied the patch but it did not seem to have any impact. Just FYI: The bulk (99-100%) of security groups in these test environments are all owned by the same project, and consist of the default egress rules only.
Command: openstack security group rule list
Before Patch: ~23 seconds
After Patch: ~23 seconds
Total Rules: ~12,000
In that regard, the patch did not have any affect. It also did not help with the 'openstack security group list' command, either.
In these test environments, we can simulate the slowdown with a large number of security groups in at least Queens, Rocky, Stein, and Train. Each of the security groups would have the default egress rules only.
# for i in {1..5000}; do openstack security group create test-$i; done
<wait a while>
# time openstack security group list
Newton: 18.4
Queens (OSP13): 61.2
Rocky: 55
Stein: 90
Train: 84
Thanks again for the assist.