I think we have a problem in the OVS DVR agent but I would like some confirmation on this.
Both "install_dvr_to_src_mac" and "delete_dvr_to_src_mac" create/delete flows matching on the VLAN tag and the dst MAC. The problem we have here is that if you have more than one DVR router, the flows for those DVR router will have the same match conditions. If one router is deleted, all flows in br_int from all routers will be deleted. This is the bug described here.
I think we have a problem in the OVS DVR agent but I would like some confirmation on this.
Both "install_ dvr_to_ src_mac" and "delete_ dvr_to_ src_mac" create/delete flows matching on the VLAN tag and the dst MAC. The problem we have here is that if you have more than one DVR router, the flows for those DVR router will have the same match conditions. If one router is deleted, all flows in br_int from all routers will be deleted. This is the bug described here.
Am I correct?
Delete flow: https:/ /github. com/openstack/ neutron/ blob/master/ neutron/ plugins/ ml2/drivers/ openvswitch/ agent/openflow/ native/ br_int. py#L172