No one noticed that the step "_apply_synchronized()" at neutron/agent/linux/ was time consuming when there were many firewall rules(>70), especially in function "changes = _generate_path_between_rules(old_rules, new_rules)" and "_generate_chain_diff_iptables_commands()"?
I have test the performance for function "_generate_path_between_rules()", it consumed about 30s when generating param "changes" for command iptable-restore with 130 firewall rules. So I think this is where we need to improve.
No one noticed that the step "_apply_ synchronized( )" at neutron/ agent/linux/ iptables_ manager. py was time consuming when there were many firewall rules(>70), especially in function "changes = _generate_ path_between_ rules(old_ rules, new_rules)" and "_generate_ chain_diff_ iptables_ commands( )"? path_between_ rules() ", it consumed about 30s when generating param "changes" for command iptable-restore with 130 firewall rules. So I think this is where we need to improve.
I have test the performance for function "_generate_