Revert "Netlink solution to improve FWaaS performance"
This reverts commit 6d5afd1a6fb2c88ae5b8f2e9f3067bd604943a37.
Because Netlink solution moves privileged privsep process into netns
without moving it back to root netns which could break other methods
using privileged process in neutron.
A follow-up change will rethink Netlink solution to correct its netns
management and improves code documentation/coverage/safety.
This change doesn't revert requirements.txt. It will allow to backport
the revert of this change (ie: allow to backport the rethinked Netlink
Partial-Bug: #1664294
Change-Id: I0c2d3b90a5799ce8d3baf4d20e95b352d12dbdc7
(cherry picked from commit 01ae5e7ec0df29bb07a27ae2f0aad1f5b563cf9d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/435150 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron- fwaas/commit/ ?id=0ee81f541fa 0445c64e104730d dee97128cde885
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/ocata
commit 0ee81f541fa0445 c64e104730ddee9 7128cde885
Author: Cedric Brandily <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 15 20:09:52 2017 +0100
Revert "Netlink solution to improve FWaaS performance"
This reverts commit 6d5afd1a6fb2c88 ae5b8f2e9f3067b d604943a37.
Because Netlink solution moves privileged privsep process into netns
without moving it back to root netns which could break other methods
using privileged process in neutron.
A follow-up change will rethink Netlink solution to correct its netns coverage/ safety.
management and improves code documentation/
This change doesn't revert requirements.txt. It will allow to backport
the revert of this change (ie: allow to backport the rethinked Netlink
Partial-Bug: #1664294 e8d3baf4d20e95b 352d12dbdc7 b07a27ae2f0aad1 f5b563cf9d)
Change-Id: I0c2d3b90a5799c
(cherry picked from commit 01ae5e7ec0df29b