L3 agent: log traceback on floating ip setup failure
Currently l3 agent suppresses exception traceback and just
raises new FloatingIpSetupException so it's impossible to see
actual issue from logs.
The patch adds LOG.exception() to the exception handler before
Closes-Bug: #1545695
Change-Id: Ia4557473c7e362f98a564475527b97ee6d0178f9
(cherry picked from commit 3188b458fd29bbd7711277bc337c0dacbaab4b9e)
(cherry picked from commit 92d58fc1fbea424374f690fe4ce4fd04a097c306)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/297051 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=40ac9216f7e 67e547c4a4d06aa 46382d68115dc9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 40ac9216f7e67e5 47c4a4d06aa4638 2d68115dc9
Author: Oleg Bondarev <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 15 15:39:59 2016 +0300
L3 agent: log traceback on floating ip setup failure
Currently l3 agent suppresses exception traceback and just Exception so it's impossible to see
raises new FloatingIpSetup
actual issue from logs.
The patch adds LOG.exception() to the exception handler before
Conflicts: agent/l3/ router_ info.py
Closes-Bug: #1545695 f98a564475527b9 7ee6d0178f9 7711277bc337c0d acbaab4b9e) 374f690fe4ce4fd 04a097c306)
Change-Id: Ia4557473c7e362
(cherry picked from commit 3188b458fd29bbd
(cherry picked from commit 92d58fc1fbea424