Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 69bc97741fcf2005ee21662f720c60bf29b7d9ed Author: TrinathSomanchi <email address hidden> Date: Tue Nov 24 13:22:54 2015 +0530
Freescale FWaaS Plugin code final decomposition.
This removes all the artifacts specific to Freescale FWaaS Plugin code from the neutron-fwaas tree.
The code is maintained at github repository.
Setup option "fsl_firewall" for this plugin are removed in change: I194a4da49058724766b7fde7343f85d19a75fe8c
Change-Id: I5d419671cf3ce3dc10020949bc14bb9d8031da3f Closes-Bug: #1519223
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/249044 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron- fwaas/commit/ ?id=69bc97741fc f2005ee21662f72 0c60bf29b7d9ed
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 69bc97741fcf200 5ee21662f720c60 bf29b7d9ed
Author: TrinathSomanchi <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 24 13:22:54 2015 +0530
Freescale FWaaS Plugin code final decomposition.
This removes all the artifacts specific to Freescale FWaaS Plugin code
from the neutron-fwaas tree.
The code is maintained at github repository.
Setup option "fsl_firewall" for this plugin are removed in 4766b7fde7343f8 5d19a75fe8c
change: I194a4da4905872
Change-Id: I5d419671cf3ce3 dc10020949bc14b b9d8031da3f
Closes-Bug: #1519223