Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/kilo
commit a27b30d7263aefce0ffbae95316e4e5cd48165a5 Author: Gary Kotton <email address hidden> Date: Sun Sep 27 00:24:31 2015 -0700
DHCP: protect against case when device name is None
There are edge cases when the agent attempts to unplug an interface and the device does not exist.
Closes-bug: #1498370 (cherry picked from commit caebc8fb8e8d9782746c3cc3ddc86f786342c819) (cherry picked from commit 0b07910f33ed26fbdd13530eafbdefd74104424d) Change-Id: I6917ec94f685f3dd3bff6aa1d43dc56aab76274a
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/242003 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=a27b30d7263 aefce0ffbae9531 6e4e5cd48165a5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit a27b30d7263aefc e0ffbae95316e4e 5cd48165a5
Author: Gary Kotton <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 27 00:24:31 2015 -0700
DHCP: protect against case when device name is None
There are edge cases when the agent attempts to unplug an interface and
the device does not exist.
Closes-bug: #1498370 2746c3cc3ddc86f 786342c819) bdd13530eafbdef d74104424d) dd3bff6aa1d43dc 56aab76274a
(cherry picked from commit caebc8fb8e8d978
(cherry picked from commit 0b07910f33ed26f
Change-Id: I6917ec94f685f3