Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 856447d9c041018021659e36e9d7b3bb766e9bd5 Author: Sukhdev <email address hidden> Date: Mon Jan 19 13:29:05 2015 -0800
Fixes blocking of VRF config in Arista L3 Plugin
This fix removes the restriction that Arista HW, when configured in MLAG (redunancy) mode, is not allowed to configure in VRF mode.
Additionally, a minor fix to log message is made as the correct message is logged when an exception is hit.
Change-Id: Icc1e9cc81d20c6aa19ed0429bdbc781e4a11f224 Closes-bug: 1411016
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/148369 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=856447d9c04 1018021659e36e9 d7b3bb766e9bd5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 856447d9c041018 021659e36e9d7b3 bb766e9bd5
Author: Sukhdev <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 19 13:29:05 2015 -0800
Fixes blocking of VRF config in Arista L3 Plugin
This fix removes the restriction that Arista HW,
when configured in MLAG (redunancy) mode, is not
allowed to configure in VRF mode.
Additionally, a minor fix to log message is made
as the correct message is logged when an
exception is hit.
Change-Id: Icc1e9cc81d20c6 aa19ed0429bdbc7 81e4a11f224
Closes-bug: 1411016