commit 4cfe2fc98ae273034ffef7264f21b1bd5dff414d
Author: Terry Wilson <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 9 15:24:37 2014 -0700
Have L3 agent catch the correct exception
L3 agent imports the processutils module to catch exceptions that
wouldn't ever be thrown because the underlying execute() being
called is the one from neutron.agent.linux.utils which raises a
RuntimeError on failure.
Also, processutils is now part of oslo.concurrency. So when we
actually start using it, we'll use it from there.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/140507 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=4cfe2fc98ae 273034ffef7264f 21b1bd5dff414d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 4cfe2fc98ae2730 34ffef7264f21b1 bd5dff414d
Author: Terry Wilson <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 9 15:24:37 2014 -0700
Have L3 agent catch the correct exception
L3 agent imports the processutils module to catch exceptions that agent.linux. utils which raises a
wouldn't ever be thrown because the underlying execute() being
called is the one from neutron.
RuntimeError on failure.
Also, processutils is now part of oslo.concurrency. So when we
actually start using it, we'll use it from there.
Closes-Bug: 1401626 7b01415cafe0538 f4343057066
Change-Id: I43874e1b63a0ba