If Network contains dhcpv6-stateful Subnet with prefix other than /64,
dnsmasq refuses to start if prefix-len is not specified in dhcp-range
option. From dnsmasq(8) manpage:
For IPv6, the parameters are slightly different: instead of netmask
and broadcast address, there is an optional prefix length which must
be equal to or larger then the prefix length on the local interface.
If not given, this defaults to 64. Unlike the IPv4 case, the prefix
length is not automatically derived from the interface configuration. The mimimum size of the prefix length is 64.
It is safe to always specify prefix length, so dnsmasq will use correct
Change-Id: Ibef1f55926585016f0054accd7f7ef5a022e3fe1
Closes-Bug: #1372883
(cherry picked from commit f996a7b46878f543ecf775380529af10fe87b8cb)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/147799 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=82bf4afdf9a 80a3f7875d1908c 5fac17fd037fee
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit 82bf4afdf9a80a3 f7875d1908c5fac 17fd037fee
Author: Alexey I. Froloff <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 30 16:37:19 2014 +0400
Specify prefix length for IPv6 subnets
If Network contains dhcpv6-stateful Subnet with prefix other than /64,
dnsmasq refuses to start if prefix-len is not specified in dhcp-range
option. From dnsmasq(8) manpage:
For IPv6, the parameters are slightly different: instead of netmask
configuration. The mimimum size of the prefix length is 64.
and broadcast address, there is an optional prefix length which must
be equal to or larger then the prefix length on the local interface.
If not given, this defaults to 64. Unlike the IPv4 case, the prefix
length is not automatically derived from the interface
It is safe to always specify prefix length, so dnsmasq will use correct
Change-Id: Ibef1f559265850 16f0054accd7f7e f5a022e3fe1 3ecf775380529af 10fe87b8cb)
Closes-Bug: #1372883
(cherry picked from commit f996a7b46878f54