The cascade delete on the tz_network_bindings table is not
taking effect with the NSX plugin. In order to fix this, this
will require a db migration. This patch allows us to provide a
fix for this by deleting the tz_network_bindings within a transaction
to avoid the foreign key constraint. This patch fixes it this way so
that it can be backported to icehouse. Later a patch will be pushed with a
migration which corrects the db schema.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/119953 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=0dc5d9f77e0 d14f57ead1f53b9 e2ad0a68faf786
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 0dc5d9f77e0d14f 57ead1f53b9e2ad 0a68faf786
Author: Aaron Rosen <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 8 16:08:30 2014 -0700
NSX: Fix foreign key constraint delete provider network
The cascade delete on the tz_network_bindings table is not
taking effect with the NSX plugin. In order to fix this, this
will require a db migration. This patch allows us to provide a
fix for this by deleting the tz_network_bindings within a transaction
to avoid the foreign key constraint. This patch fixes it this way so
that it can be backported to icehouse. Later a patch will be pushed with a
migration which corrects the db schema.
Closes-bug: #1367032
Change-Id: I19d389acc71022 4baff79ad114fab 756b2e21cfc