Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit f0ea09dffc5bbb69febe399d6b077e5b4657cbc7 Author: Saksham Varma <email address hidden> Date: Thu Sep 4 14:53:50 2014 -0700
CSCO:Tenants not to access unshared n/w profiles
Ensure that a n1kv tenant who has no access to a network profile belonging to some other tenant, is not allowed to modify that profile. Currently, a tenant can create networks on any network profile if he has the network profile id.
Change-Id: I53d767acceaa5e2c08e75e6f18847f659cda8d8b Closes-Bug: 1365727
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/119236 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=f0ea09dffc5 bbb69febe399d6b 077e5b4657cbc7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit f0ea09dffc5bbb6 9febe399d6b077e 5b4657cbc7
Author: Saksham Varma <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 4 14:53:50 2014 -0700
CSCO:Tenants not to access unshared n/w profiles
Ensure that a n1kv tenant who has no access to a network profile
belonging to some other tenant, is not allowed to modify that profile.
Currently, a tenant can create networks on any network profile if he
has the network profile id.
Change-Id: I53d767acceaa5e 2c08e75e6f18847 f659cda8d8b
Closes-Bug: 1365727