Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit b62b92da9b9dbba953573bc212279c719e08f3ef Author: Cedric Brandily <email address hidden> Date: Tue Sep 8 15:23:49 2015 +0000
Remove ebtables_driver/manager dead code
Previous changes[1] have been merged as enablers[2] to fix the bug 1274034 but an alternative solution has been choosen and now we can consider the introduced code as dead code.
This changes removes [2], associated tests and rootwrap filters.
[1] I9ef57a86b1a1c1fa4ba1a034c920f23cb40072c0 I3c66e92cbe8883dcad843ad243388def3a96dbe5 [2] neutron.agent.linux.ebtables_driver neutron.agent.linux.ebtables_manager
Closes-Bug: #1493422 Related-Bug: #1274034 Change-Id: I61e38fc0d8cf8e79252aabc19a70240be57e4a32
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/221364 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=b62b92da9b9 dbba953573bc212 279c719e08f3ef
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b62b92da9b9dbba 953573bc212279c 719e08f3ef
Author: Cedric Brandily <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 8 15:23:49 2015 +0000
Remove ebtables_ driver/ manager dead code
Previous changes[1] have been merged as enablers[2] to fix the bug
1274034 but an alternative solution has been choosen and now we can
consider the introduced code as dead code.
This changes removes [2], associated tests and rootwrap filters.
[1] I9ef57a86b1a1c1 fa4ba1a034c920f 23cb40072c0
I3c66e92cbe888 3dcad843ad24338 8def3a96dbe5 agent.linux. ebtables_ driver
neutron. agent.linux. ebtables_ manager
[2] neutron.
Closes-Bug: #1493422 79252aabc19a702 40be57e4a32
Related-Bug: #1274034
Change-Id: I61e38fc0d8cf8e