ZhiQiang, with the following fix we don't face JSON serializable error. But the tests still hang. Discard my original comment about cast vs call. With the patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1234857/comments/3, the problem still occur.
Aaron, can you keep us posted on how your testing with OL6 go?
ZhiQiang, with the following fix we don't face JSON serializable error. But the tests still hang. Discard my original comment about cast vs call. With the patch in https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/neutron/ +bug/1234857/ comments/ 3, the problem still occur.
Aaron, can you keep us posted on how your testing with OL6 go?
--- a/neutron/ tests/unit/ linuxbridge/ test_lb_ neutron_ agent.py tests/unit/ linuxbridge/ test_lb_ neutron_ agent.py Agent(base. BaseTestCase) :
super( TestLinuxBridge Agent, self).setUp()
cfg.CONF. set_override( 'rpc_backend' ,
'neutron. openstack. common. rpc.impl_ fake') local_ip= LOCAL_IP)
self. lbmgr_patcher = mock.patch( 'neutron. plugins. linuxbridge. agent.'
' linuxbridge_ neutron_ agent.' ager') ager', value=mock_ specific)
self. lbmgr_mock = self.lbmgr_ patcher. start()
self. addCleanup( self.lbmgr_ patcher. stop)
self. execute_ p = mock.patch. object( ip_lib. IPWrapper, '_execute')
+++ b/neutron/
@@ -97,9 +97,11 @@ class TestLinuxBridge
+ mock_specific = mock.MagicMock(
- 'LinuxBridgeMan
+ 'LinuxBridgeMan
+ return_