Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/havana
commit decd4e7ad887a9d3e901ebb3b43011d05e2540ab Author: Aaron Rosen <email address hidden> Date: Tue Oct 22 15:33:45 2013 -0700
Fix TypeError: <MagicMock name='LinuxBridgeManager().local_ip'
This patch fixes an error that does not result in a test failure but causes the following error to be logged in the test logs:
TypeError: <MagicMock name='LinuxBridgeManager().local_ip' id='666599248'> is not JSON serializable
Related-Bug: #1234857
Change-Id: I65cdd997745d8b760031f8f32e3c10682ad2288e (cherry picked from commit: d26dfed7d47926425bb55893da45f650d6549b9a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/58286 github. com/openstack/ neutron/ commit/ decd4e7ad887a9d 3e901ebb3b43011 d05e2540ab
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/havana
commit decd4e7ad887a9d 3e901ebb3b43011 d05e2540ab
Author: Aaron Rosen <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 22 15:33:45 2013 -0700
Fix TypeError: <MagicMock name='LinuxBrid geManager( ).local_ ip'
This patch fixes an error that does not result in a test failure but
causes the following error to be logged in the test logs:
TypeError: <MagicMock name='LinuxBrid geManager( ).local_ ip' id='666599248'>
is not JSON serializable
Related-Bug: #1234857
Change-Id: I65cdd997745d8b 760031f8f32e3c1 0682ad2288e 25bb55893da45f6 50d6549b9a)
(cherry picked from commit: d26dfed7d479264