This change adds a funcitonal regression test that
assert the broken behavior when trying to live migrate
with a neutron backend that does not support multiple port
- specify api major version to allow block_migration 'auto'
- use TempDir fixture for instances path
- worked around lack of create_server and start_computes in integrated
helpers in train by inlining the behavior in setUp and test_live_migrate
- reverted to python2 compatiable super() syntax
- include portion of change Ia3d7351c1805d98bcb799ab0375673c7f1cb8848
which stubs out the is_file_in_instance_path method. That was
included in a feature patch set so just pulling the necessary
Change-Id: I470a016d35afe69809321bd67359f466c3feb90a
Partial-Bug: #1888395
(cherry picked from commit 71bc6fc9b89535679252ffe5a737eddad60e4102)
(cherry picked from commit bea55a7d45bdc97679cf08c9faec789cfc90de27)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /759533 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ a4e2a6a41239a68 2c0da553ec59387 37d0b85b52
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/train
commit a4e2a6a41239a68 2c0da553ec59387 37d0b85b52
Author: Sean Mooney <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 21 17:17:50 2020 +0000
add functional regression test for bug #1888395
This change adds a funcitonal regression test that
assert the broken behavior when trying to live migrate
with a neutron backend that does not support multiple port
Conflicts/ Changes: tests/functiona l/regressions/ test_bug_ 1888395. py: tests/unit/ virt/libvirt/ fake_imagebacke 8bcb799ab037567 3c7f1cb8848 in_instance_ path method. That was
- specify api major version to allow block_migration 'auto'
- use TempDir fixture for instances path
- worked around lack of create_server and start_computes in integrated
helpers in train by inlining the behavior in setUp and test_live_migrate
- reverted to python2 compatiable super() syntax
- include portion of change Ia3d7351c1805d9
which stubs out the is_file_
included in a feature patch set so just pulling the necessary
Change-Id: I470a016d35afe6 9809321bd67359f 466c3feb90a 79252ffe5a737ed dad60e4102) 679cf08c9faec78 9cfc90de27)
Partial-Bug: #1888395
(cherry picked from commit 71bc6fc9b895356
(cherry picked from commit bea55a7d45bdc97