Branch: stable/kilo
From Commit: d9b9a6421d7ff92e920ed21b01ebc7bf49e38bd6
New Tag: 2015.1.1
This release contains the following changes:
d9b9a6421d7ff92e920ed21b01ebc7bf49e38bd6 Set default branch for stable/kilo
f08fb31f20c2d8cc1e6b71784cdfd9604895e16d ML2 cisco_nexus MD: VLAN not created on switch
d400749e43e9d5a1fc92683b40159afce81edc95 Create knob to prevent caching ssh connection
0050ea7f1fb3c22214d7ca49cfe641da86123e2c Bubble up exceptions when Nexus replay enabled
54fca8a047810304c69990dce03052e45f21cc23 Quick retry connect to resolve stale ncclient handle
0c496e1d7425984bf9686b11b5c0c9c8ece23bf3 Update requirements.txt for ML2 Nexus
393254fcfbe3165e4253801bc3be03e15201c36d Update requirements.txt
75fd522b36f7b67dc4152e461f4e5dfa26b4ff31 Remove duplicate entrypoints in setup.cfg
178f40f2a43192687188661d5fcedf394321e191 Cisco UCSM driver updates to handle duplicate creations
11f5f29af3e5c4a2ed4b42471e32db49180693df Clean up of UCS Manager connection handle management.
ad010718f978763e399f0bf9a0976ba51d3334eb Fix Cisco CSR1KV script issues
a8c4bd753ba254b062612c1bcd85000656ebfa44 Replace retry count with replay failure stats
db1bd250b95abfc267c8a75891ba56105cbeed8c Add scripts to enable CSR FWaaS service
f39c6a55613a274d6d0e67409533edefbca6f9a7 Fix N1kv trunk driver: same mac assigned to ports created
a118483327f7a217dfedfe69da3ef91f9ec6a169 Update netorking-cisco files for due to neutrons port dictionary subnet being replaced with
b60296644660303fb2341ca6495611621fc486e7 ML2 cisco_nexus MD: Config hangs when replay enabled
76f7be8758145c61e960ed37e5c93262252f56ff Move UCSM from extension drivers to mech drivers
ffabc773febb9a8df7853588ae27a4fe3bc4069b ML2 cisco_nexus MD: Multiprocess replay issue
77d4a60fbce7f81275c3cdd9fec3b28a1ca0c57c ML2 cisco_nexus MD: If configured, close ssh sessions
825cf6d1239600917f8fa545cc3745517d363838 Part II-Detect switch failure earlier-Port Create
9b7b57097b2bd34f42ca5adce1e3342a91b4d3f8 Retry count not reset on successful replay
6afe5d8a6d11db4bc2db29e6a84dc709672b1d69 ML2 Nexus decomposition not complete for Nexus
ac84fcb861bd594a5a3773c32e06b3e58a729308 Delete fails after switch reset (replay off)
97720feb4ef4d75fa190a23ac10038d29582b001 Call to get nexus type for Nexus 9372PX fails
87fb3d6f75f9b0ae574df17b494421126a636199 Detect switch failure earlier during port create
b38e47a37977634df14846ba38aa38d7239a1adc Enable the CSR1kv devstack plugin for Kilo
365cd0f94e579a4c885e6ea9c94f5df241fb2288 Sanitize policy profile table on neutron restart
4a6a4040a71096b31ca5c283fd0df15fb87aeb38 Cisco Nexus1000V: Retry mechanism for VSM REST calls
7bcec734cbc658f4cd0792c625aff1a3edc73208 Moved N1kv section from neutron tree to stackforge
4970a3e279995faf9aff402c96d4b16796a00ef5 N1Kv: Force syncing BDs on neutron restart
f078a701931986a2755d340d5f4a7cc2ab095bb3 s/stackforge/openstack/g
151f6f6836491b77e0e788089e0cf9edbe9b7e00 Update .gitreview file for project rename
876c25fbf7e3aa7f8a44dd88560a030e609648d5 Bump minor version number to enable development
a5e7f6a3f0f824ec313449273cf9b283cf1fd3b9 Sync notification to VSM & major sync refactoring
Branch: stable/kilo e920ed21b01ebc7 bf49e38bd6
From Commit: d9b9a6421d7ff92
New Tag: 2015.1.1
This release contains the following changes:
d9b9a6421d7ff9 2e920ed21b01ebc 7bf49e38bd6 Set default branch for stable/kilo cc1e6b71784cdfd 9604895e16d ML2 cisco_nexus MD: VLAN not created on switch a1fc92683b40159 afce81edc95 Create knob to prevent caching ssh connection 2214d7ca49cfe64 1da86123e2c Bubble up exceptions when Nexus replay enabled 04c69990dce0305 2e45f21cc23 Quick retry connect to resolve stale ncclient handle 4bf9686b11b5c0c 9c8ece23bf3 Update requirements.txt for ML2 Nexus 5e4253801bc3be0 3e15201c36d Update requirements.txt 7dc4152e461f4e5 dfa26b4ff31 Remove duplicate entrypoints in setup.cfg 687188661d5fced f394321e191 Cisco UCSM driver updates to handle duplicate creations a2ed4b42471e32d b49180693df Clean up of UCS Manager connection handle management. 3e399f0bf9a0976 ba51d3334eb Fix Cisco CSR1KV script issues b062612c1bcd850 00656ebfa44 Replace retry count with replay failure stats c267c8a75891ba5 6105cbeed8c Add scripts to enable CSR FWaaS service 4d6d0e67409533e defbca6f9a7 Fix N1kv trunk driver: same mac assigned to ports created 17dfedfe69da3ef 91f9ec6a169 Update netorking-cisco files for due to neutrons port dictionary subnet being replaced with 3fb2341ca649561 1621fc486e7 ML2 cisco_nexus MD: Config hangs when replay enabled 61e960ed37e5c93 262252f56ff Move UCSM from extension drivers to mech drivers 8df7853588ae27a 4fe3bc4069b ML2 cisco_nexus MD: Multiprocess replay issue 1275c3cdd9fec3b 28a1ca0c57c ML2 cisco_nexus MD: If configured, close ssh sessions 917f8fa545cc374 5517d363838 Part II-Detect switch failure earlier-Port Create 4f42ca5adce1e33 42a91b4d3f8 Retry count not reset on successful replay 4bc2db29e6a84dc 709672b1d69 ML2 Nexus decomposition not complete for Nexus 4a5a3773c32e06b 3e58a729308 Delete fails after switch reset (replay off) 5fa190a23ac1003 8d29582b001 Call to get nexus type for Nexus 9372PX fails ae574df17b49442 1126a636199 Detect switch failure earlier during port create 4df14846ba38aa3 8d7239a1adc Enable the CSR1kv devstack plugin for Kilo 4c885e6ea9c94f5 df241fb2288 Sanitize policy profile table on neutron restart b31ca5c283fd0df 15fb87aeb38 Cisco Nexus1000V: Retry mechanism for VSM REST calls f4cd0792c625aff 1a3edc73208 Moved N1kv section from neutron tree to stackforge af9aff402c96d4b 16796a00ef5 N1Kv: Force syncing BDs on neutron restart a2755d340d5f4a7 cc2ab095bb3 s/stackforge/ openstack/ g 77e0e788089e0cf 9edbe9b7e00 Update .gitreview file for project rename 7f8a44dd88560a0 30e609648d5 Bump minor version number to enable development ec313449273cf9b 283cf1fd3b9 Sync notification to VSM & major sync refactoring
NOTE: this is a kilo release, so i'm not sure if we should follow the post versioning step in from: http:// docs.openstack. org/developer/ neutron/ devref/ sub_project_ guidelines. html#sub- project- release- process