It seemed to have fixed the issue. (there are a bunch of build issues i have ran into as well, with both rebuilding as well as tests which fail even with zero patches applied) which made this even more of a huge pain. Without dedicating hours (days?) into learning how to build ubuntu packages properly I cannot help anyone else.
I would imagine this would be trivial to add the two patches and release a new version if you are already a package maintainer.
I was able to rebuild the network-manager package with the following two upstream patches applied (applied cleanly)
http:// cgit.freedeskto nager/NetworkMa nager/commit/ ?id=a92d8b0c678 e17d1cc175c3aad 50afb1443785d2 cgit.freedeskto nager/NetworkMa nager/commit/ ?id=c44069c10a4 a9c696910baf0db befc41528f6dbe
It seemed to have fixed the issue. (there are a bunch of build issues i have ran into as well, with both rebuilding as well as tests which fail even with zero patches applied) which made this even more of a huge pain. Without dedicating hours (days?) into learning how to build ubuntu packages properly I cannot help anyone else.
I would imagine this would be trivial to add the two patches and release a new version if you are already a package maintainer.