* debian/patches/lp1499827_device_avoid_undefined_mtu_c44069c1.patch
Cherry-pick commit c44069c1 from upstream: avoid changing the MTU if it's
undefined in NM code. (LP: #1499827)
* debian/patches/lp1499827_dont_change_unset_mtu_a92d8b0c.patch:
Cherry pick upstream commit a92d8b0c: don't change the MTU if we have a
value of 0 for it; it means "default", not "0 size packets". (LP: #1499827)
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - 1.0.4-0ubuntu5.2
network-manager (1.0.4-0ubuntu5.2) wily; urgency=medium
* debian/ patches/ lp1499827_ device_ avoid_undefined _mtu_c44069c1. patch patches/ lp1499827_ dont_change_ unset_mtu_ a92d8b0c. patch:
Cherry-pick commit c44069c1 from upstream: avoid changing the MTU if it's
undefined in NM code. (LP: #1499827)
* debian/
Cherry pick upstream commit a92d8b0c: don't change the MTU if we have a
value of 0 for it; it means "default", not "0 size packets". (LP: #1499827)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Nov 2015 14:03:32 -0500